
If I get pulled over for DUI, should I take the breath test?

March 30, 2010
Thumbnail image for If I get pulled over for DUI, should I take the breath test?

An arrest for DUI is a serious matter. Generally, there are no easy answers about whether a person should take the breathalyzer test. But there are a few principles that may influence the decision. First, there are two opportunities to take a breath test. The first opportunity will occur on the side of the road […]

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What types of traffic tickets can cancel an Illinois commercial driver’s license?

February 22, 2010
Thumbnail image for What types of traffic tickets can cancel an Illinois commercial driver’s license?

A commercial driver’s license (CDL) is put at risk with almost any traffic ticket. For starters, a ticket for a moving violation will appear on a driver’s abstract. Most employers will check a job applicant’s driving record for traffic offenses because the employer’s insurance will increase if the driver has numerous traffic tickets. Employers are […]

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I got a DUI in Illinois. How can I win my summary suspension hearing?

February 9, 2010
Thumbnail image for I got a DUI in Illinois. How can I win my summary suspension hearing?

The issues on an Illinois summary suspension hearing are, generally: probable cause, reasonable grounds to believe the defendant was driving, improper warnings, and the driver was not under the influence.

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